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Final thoughts?
What trends are you seeing across students and staff and how are coaches supporting them given these trends?
What excites you most about the future of Health and Wellness Coaching and/or TimelyCare?
Tell us about TimelyCare as well as what role coaches play in your interdisciplinary model?
How does TimelyCare keep things individualized and with cultural competency in mind?
Can you share your story about how you found yourself navigating a layoff?
Tell us more about what you are currently working on?
Final Thoughts?
When was the first time you felt like you were moving forward and what did that look like?
Is there anything you would do differently?
Artificial Intelligence, what does that actually mean?
What do you see as the common misconceptions of AI?
Related to AI, what advice do you have for health coaches?
What are some future predictions you have pertaining to AI?
Final thoughts?
Why are we using avatars, VR, and AR during coaching sessions, is this employed primarily to help coaching clients feel more comfortable with AI coaching platforms?
What are you most proud of that you helped to accomplish as the Executive Director?
As a nationally board certified coach, how can I (and others) support the growth of the field in meaningful ways?
Final Thoughts?
After your departure from the NBHWC was hiking the John Muir Trail in its entirety. What inspired this?
What inspired you to jump into the Executive Director role for the NBHWC at the time?
Biggest challenges you went through and biggest challenge looking ahead?
What were some of the challenges, successes, and learnings over your 12 year tenure at Teladoc?
What is it about coaching that makes it an effective level of support for a wide array of health areas?
What role do you see health coaches having in supporting diabetes management and prevention?
What excites you about the future of health coaching and/or Teladoc?
Final Thoughts?
What are your thoughts on the importance of health and wellness in the workplace and the coaches that support this?
Where do you see this growing interest in the health and wellness coaching field coming from?
What are your future predictions for the field of coaching, specifically pertaining to the technological advancements we are seeing with AI?
What is Wave Life?
Why is it important to become certified and what makes your program unique?
What excites you about the future at Wave and/or the industry of health and wellness coaching?
Final Thoughts?
What is unique about Shimmer and the work you all are doing?
Final Thoughts?
How would a coach support someone with ADHD?
What excites you about the future of Shimmer and ADHD Coaching?
How do you see Health and Wellness coaches supporting individuals with Mental Health?
What excites you most about the future at Headspace and the field?